Bulgaria signs 10-year nuclear fuel supply contract with Canadian corporation

22:22, 20.04.2023
Bulgaria signs 10-year nuclear fuel supply contract with Canadian corporation

One of the largest nuclear fuel suppliers in the world, the Canadian corporation Cameco, has signed a 10-year contract with Bulgaria for the supply of natural uranium hexafluoride (so-called UF6) to meet the full requirements of “Kozloduy” Nuclear Power Plant Unit 5, the company said on its official website on April 20.

"This is Cameco's first fuel supply agreement for Bulgaria's nuclear power sector," said the company's president and CEO Tim Gitzel.

"We are very pleased to add another market to Cameco's global commercial portfolio and extend our contribution to countries like Bulgaria that are seeking to improve their energy security while reaffirming their commitment to carbon-free nuclear power to meet their climate goals."

Under the agreement, which runs until 2033, Cameco will supply the country with approximately 2.2 million kg of uranium.


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