Bulgarian student won first prize in the EU Contest for Young Scientists and will visit Nobel Week

16:05, 17.09.2024
Bulgarian student won first prize in the EU Contest for Young Scientists and will visit Nobel Week

Alexandra Petkova from the National School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics "Acad. Lyubomir Chakalov" won first prize at the EU Contest for Young Scientists
in Katowice, Poland, the Ministry of Education said on September 17.

The talented student also received the Stockholm Youth Science Seminar award, which means she will attend the Nobel Week events.

Delyan Boychev from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at “St. Kliment Ohridski" university received the award from the European Space Agency and will visit its laboratories in the coming months.

Bulgaria's third participant Stefan Gaidarov from the High School of Mathematics "Acad. Kiril Popov", Plovdiv, also performed very well although he did not receive a prize in the extremely strong competition of the European contest, the Ministry added.

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