Cabinet approves security features for new ID documents

18:43, 28.02.2024
Cabinet approves security features for new ID documents
Image: archive

The government adopted a decision to approve the security features used in the design of the new Bulgarian identity documents type "identity card" and type "passport", the government press service said on February 28.

The adoption of the decision is aimed at achieving the development of the models of Bulgarian identity documents by increasing the level of protection using materials that meet the highest security and quality standards, introducing new security features by applying new security features and technologies, and changing the security graphic design.

The adoption of the decision is also linked to the implementation of the Programme for the Governance of the Republic of Bulgaria in the period June 2023 - December 2024, and in particular the measure "Endeavour to implement the amendments to the Bulgarian Identity Documents Act, which provide for an increase in the validity period of passports - 10 years, through continuous and constructive dialogue with the competent institutions, including the Ministry of Interior, to ensure technical feasibility."

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