Cabinet approves strategy, action plan on Bulgaria's transition to circular economy

16:02, 26.10.2022
Cabinet approves strategy, action plan on Bulgaria's transition to circular economy

Council of Ministers on October 26 adopted a strategy and action plan for the transition to a circular economy in Bulgaria for the period 2022-2027.

The aim is to achieve resource efficiency by implementing the waste management hierarchy, preventing waste generation, promoting reuse and recovery through recycling, reducing landfilling and limiting its harmful impact on the environment and human health.

The draft of the strategy sets out three objectives: a green and competitive economy; less waste and more resources; an economy that benefits consumers. To achieve them, specific measures are planned and set out as concrete actions in the strategy's action plan, with the implementation of the plan focusing on correcting imbalances and overcoming obstacles to achieving the objectives of the circular economy strategy.

Three types of measures are included in the draft action plan.

  • Short-term measures with an implementation horizon of 2022-2023, which include: analysis, development and adoption of sectoral legislation; sectoral analyses and studies; awareness-raising and organisation of information campaigns; establishment of a platform for exchange of information and good practices;
  • Medium-term measures with a 2024-2027 implementation horizon, which include: financing the introduction of resource efficiency technologies; financing small and medium-sized enterprises in the manufacturing industry for the introduction of eco-design; setting up re-use and re-use preparation centres; training to acquire or improve the professional qualifications of people from vulnerable groups related to repair activities;
  • The third type of measures are those of a permanent nature, according to the Council of Ministers. These will be implemented throughout the period of the Action Plan and include: involving the private sector in achieving municipal waste recycling targets; waste prevention, re-use, separate collection, recycling and recovery activities; application of new technologies for waste separation, treatment and handling; strengthening controls on the unregulated dumping/disposal of construction and demolition waste; assisting companies involved in renovation activities to attend re-use centres; and the implementation of new technologies for waste separation, treatment and recovery.

The implementation of the Strategy and the Action Plan for the Transition to a Circular Economy of the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2022-2027 will ensure the transition to a circular economy, in line with one of the leading policies of the European Union, the Council of Ministers further said.

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