Caretaker Energy Minister held an urgent meeting with the energy regulator

17:41, 03.08.2022
Caretaker Energy Minister held an urgent meeting with the energy regulator

The caretaker Minister of Energy, Rossen Hristov, met with the Chairman of the Energy and Water Regulatory Committee ( EWRC) Ivan Ivanov on August 3. The focus of the discussion, which took place at the ministry, was the supply and price of natural gas.

By 12 August, the EWRC will announce its decision on the gas price.

"We are trying to find the best solution, and for this purpose we have already started with simulations and calculations of different options. The aim is to stabilise supply, which will ensure predictability and security for consumers," Minister Hristov explained.

For his part, energy regulator Chairman Ivan Ivanov thanked the caretaker Minister for his quick reaction after his call for a meeting.

"It is particularly important what the gas price will be in September," he stressed, adding that the regulations do not correspond to the dynamic situation in which they have to work.

Both sides agreed that it is crucial to have transparency and as much predictability as possible in the work of the institutions.

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