Caretaker Minister of Economy: Some enterprises will switch to alternative fuels

18:56, 29.09.2022
Caretaker Minister of Economy: Some enterprises will switch to alternative fuels

"We will be able to keep the price of the gas mix within the limits that the business has set for us. Quantities are assured. The interconnector with Greece is coming at the right time. Some businesses will switch to other alternative fuels because it will be more profitable for them. There will be gas and it will be at a good price so that businesses are competitive and can survive," Nikola Stoyanov, the caretaker Minister of Economy, told BNT on September 29.

According to him, there will be no need for a gas price ceiling. According to Nikola Stoyanov, a serious development of investments is expected, the interest is huge due to the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, as well as the general concern in Europe on energy issues.

Bulgaria is stable, Nikola Stoyanov explained, adding that confirmation is expected by the end of next month for new investments of nearly 100 million euros.

"Offset for high electricity prices will continue. This will also have a reassuring effect on food prices. We are managing to contain energy prices. Our country has mechanisms to influence the wholesale fuel market. Different options are being discussed to support business," Nikola Stoyanov added.

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