Denitsa Zlateva: 399 million BGN is owed by District Heating Sofia to "Bulgargaz"

13:15, 31.08.2022
Denitsa Zlateva: 399 million BGN is owed by District Heating Sofia to "Bulgargaz"

399 million BGN is owed by District Heating Sofia to "Bulgargaz", Denitsa Zlateva, CEO of "Bulgargaz", announced in the morning show of the Bulgarian National Television.

She reminded that “Bulgargaz” cannot legally stop the gas supply to the heating companies and will seek new loans from the Ministry of Energy.

"Bulgargaz” asks for new gas price increase for September”

In her words, Bulgaria continues to submit daily requests to Gazprom for gas quantities for which no payments are made.

"I sincerely hope that a solution to this problem will finally be found, because with these natural gas prices, with this continuous increase during the heating season, “Bulgargaz” does not have the financial means to compensate these unpaid debts of the heating companies and especially of Sofia district heating. " I know that there is a working group at the Council of Ministers with representatives of the Bulgarian Energy Holding and the Ministry of Energy - a cardinal and lasting solution should be considered", Denitsa Zlateva added.

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