Dimitar Hadzhidimitrov: Fuel prices will remain the same in September

10:23, 01.09.2022
Dimitar Hadzhidimitrov: Fuel prices will remain the same in September

There was a slight shock jump in the price of diesel fuel of about 0.30 BGN, but this did not affect the prices at the pump. At the moment the price has gone down smoothly, I guess in the next month the prices we see now will be maintained in September, Dimitar Hadzhidimitrov from the Association of Bulgarian Traders, Producers, Importers and Transporters of Fuels told BNT breakfast programme on September 1.

He cited data showing that since the beginning of the year, propane-butane consumption has remained stable compared to the previous year. Comsumption of light fuels has dropped by 30% and of methane - by over 60%.

It has been observed that many of the major industries are switching to propane butane as an alternative, not only in automobiles.

The real price of methane is 60 - 70 - 100 BGN, everything else is profit-taking on the part of the Russian Federation, Hadzhidimitrov said.

According to him, if the trends continue, the price of diesel fuel can be expected to remain the same, while the price of petrol - 0.10 BGN down in the next 15 - 20 days.

Methane will become even more unaffordable as a 6% increase in price is expected.

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