EC reminds that Bulgaria has agreed to phase out coal-fuelled power plants by 2038

19:21, 11.09.2024
EC reminds that Bulgaria has agreed to phase out coal-fuelled power plants by 2038

Bulgaria has committed to phase out coal by 2038. This is recalled in the Commission's annual report on the state of energy in the EU and individual member states. The document also recalls that through the Just Transition Fund Bulgaria could receive €1.12 billion to help the country cope with the social and economic dimensions of the closure of coal plants in three regions - Kyustendil, Pernik and Stara Zagora.

The latest EC data (from 2022) show that fossil fuels (48.2%) and nuclear power (43.2%) account for the largest share of electricity generation in Bulgaria. Electricity from renewable sources accounts for 19.1%. This compares with an EU average of 39.4% for renewables.

According to data from Brussels, on 17 August 2024 the gas storage in Chiren was 83.83% full. Its total capacity is 550 million cubic metres per year.

In 2023, the countries from which Bulgaria imported natural gas were mainly Greece and Turkyie, while in 2021 - the largest supplier was Russia, followed by Greece and Azerbaijan.

The EC report states that the country has not yet fully liberalised its energy market. Legislative changes for this are set for June 2025. Bulgaria has also not yet started introducing smart metering devices and does not have the necessary legislation for this.

Brussels has also stressed the need for more home renovation programmes. According to EC data, in 2023, 20.7% of people in Bulgaria were unable to adequately heat their homes during cold periods of the year. Some 17.8% of the population had difficulties paying their energy bills.

Bulgaria has not yet submitted its final national energy and climate plan to the European Commission, despite that the deadline was 30 June 2024.

The country report recalls that Bulgaria's Recovery and Resilience Plan amounts to €6.2 billion in grants, with the EC having already granted Sofia €1.37 billion. The request for a second payment has been sent to Brussels in October 2023. 2.9 billion of the funds for Bulgaria are earmarked for measures and projects related to energy. The largest part of this (1.3 billion) is earmarked for ensuring energy efficiency in residential and public buildings.

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