Employers' organisations in Bulgaria demanded restoration of gas supplies from Gazprom

20:49, 01.08.2022
Employers' organisations in Bulgaria demanded restoration of gas supplies from Gazprom

The largest employers' organisations in Bulgaria demanded public supplier “Bulgargaz” to buy Russian gas again under its contract with Gazprom. This is written in an open letter to the media of the Association of Bulgarian Employers' Organisations on August 1.

The position of the business says that the current government has announced that it has negotiated seven tankers with liquefied gas, but the parameters of the contract have not been announced - neither the prices nor where the gas will go through.

Moreover, only three of the tankers are for this year and the other four are for next year. Employers also estimate that if a route were found to get the LNG to Bulgaria, it would be up to 40% more expensive than the Russian gas.

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