Face masks obligatory in hospitals, social care establishments, public transport in Rousse from July 28

20:57, 27.07.2022
Face masks obligatory in hospitals, social care establishments, public transport in Rousse from July 28

The requirement for wearing masks in healthcare and social care establishments, as well as in public transport in the district of Rousse will be re-introduced as of July 28, the Regional Task Force decided today, July 27. The measures also include observing a distance of 1.5 metres, conducting a daily filter for children with symptoms in educational and childcare facilities, as well as visitors and users in social service centre.

There is increased attention at two locations in the Danube city and region - at the Mental Health Centre, where 4 of the patients are ill with Covid-19, and at the Nikolovo Nursing Home, where 9 of the elderly and two staff members are infected.

The number of active cases of Covid-19 in the Rousse region is slightly over 400% or about five times higher than at the beginning of July this year. From 60 on the first day of the month, they have now reached 304. 41 of the ill are hospitalised.. According to the latest data, the incidence in the region is just over 175 people per 100,000 population, making it part of the so-called yellow zone.

The director of the Regional Health Inspectorate in the city, Dr. Iskra Geneva, clarified that it is not yet possible to talk about an epidemic, and the measures are related to prevention.

The health authorities also reported increased interest in the second booster dose. So far, 130,563 inoculations have been carried out in Rousse region, with 58 536 people having completed the ivaccination course.

The booster dose has been administered to 24,208 people in Rousse and 1,218 people in the region have received the second booster.

In the past 24 hours 107 vaccines were administered, three of them to children aged between 12 and 18 years.

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