Gas interconnector between Bulgaria and Greece will start operation from October 1

17:59, 19.09.2022
Gas interconnector between Bulgaria and Greece will start operation from October 1

The Greece-Bulgaria gas interconnector will be put into operation on 1 October with an official ceremony in Sofia, a technical press release of the Presidency on the commissioning ceremony said on September 19.

The Greece-Bulgaria interconnector already has Act 15 (the certificate ascertaining the condition of the construction and its readiness to be put into operation) for the territory of Bulgaria.

Yesterday, the caretaker Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Ivan Shishkov told BNT programme “The Day Begins with Georgi Lyubenov” that Act 16 (the authorisation for use) is expected next week.

The state is ready for Act 16 of the interconnector with Greece

The gas link is 140 km long on Bulgarian territory. The envisaged initial capacity of the interconnector is 3 billion cubic metres per year, and the maximum up to 5.5 billion cubic metres per year at a later stage.

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