Hailstorm poured over two municipalities in Burgas district

18:10, 14.06.2024
Hailstorm poured over two municipalities in Burgas district

Hailstorm poured over two municipalities in Burgas district - Sredets and Sungurlare on June 14. According to the description of local people the ice chunks were the size of a large cherry.

In the village of Vezenkovo, Sungurlare municipality, the hailstorm was accompanied by strong winds that damaged the power supply.

In Sredets, the fruit and vegetable gardens of a large number of people was partially destroyed.

The mayor of the town Ivan Kichev told BNT that the storm lasted about 5 minutes. Currently there is no information about injured people and serious damage in the area. Fruit trees and vegetable gardens of residents were affected.

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