Heavy hail leaves hundreds of cars damaged in Veliko Turnovo

13:37, 13.06.2024
Heavy hail leaves hundreds of cars damaged in Veliko Turnovo

Serious damages have been caused in the city of Veliko Turnovo and the district (central Northern Bulgaria) after the hailstorm last night, June 12.

Torrential rain and hailstorm in Veliko Turnovo, power outages in several villages in the area

The hailstorm also destroyed agricultural produce in Shumen and Sliven.

The mayor of Veliko Turnovo convened a meeting of the crisis management headquarters because of the storm.

Owners of car dealerships are most affected. There are 90 cars in one of the dealerships and none of the vehicles remained unaffected by the hails.

"I've been in the business for 20 years and I've never seen anything like this. All the cars are damaged, clobbered," said Petyo Stoyanov, a car dealership owner.

"There is not a single windshield that has not been broken," said Ivaylo Muglov, a car dealership owner.

"It's a disaster, I don't remember something like this happening before", Galin Lichev - owner of a car dealership said.

The Mayor of Veliko Turnovo Daniel Panov on June 13 convened a crisis management team after the unprecedented hailstorm last night.

The nearest village of Arbanassi suffered power outages for about 3 hours. Over 100 cars in Sheremetya were clobbered by the ice chunks. The roof of one of the schools in Veliko Turnovo was partially damaged and the children will not study there today. The damage is yet to be assessed.

Hail the size of a walnut poured down within 20 minutes.

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