June 2024 is shaping up to be the warmest since 1930

16:06, 28.06.2024
June 2024 is shaping up to be the warmest since 1930

A June 2024 weather report from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology shows average monthly temperatures between 19 and 27 degrees per Celsius and have a deviation from the monthly norm of between 1.5 and 4.5 degrees. This is shaping up to be the warmest June since 1930, the institute's staff said.

The highest measured temperature so far in June 2024 was 40.1 degrees per Celsius on June 20 in the city of Russe on the Danube River. The lowest minimum temperature at a station in a locality was 4 degrees on June 15 in Chepelare, and the lowest temperature measured on a mountain peak was minus 0.4 degrees on Mount Musala, also on June 15.

In Sofia, the highest measured temperature was 33.3 degrees on June 10 and the lowest was 7.9 degrees on June 15.

In most of the country, monthly rainfall totals are between three and 80 per cent of the climatic norm. Amounts above 80% occurred only in isolated places, most in Samokov - 168% of the climatic norm. With this, the current June is shaping up to be one of the driest Junes in 30 years.

Images by BTA

The highest measured 24-hour rainfall was 113 mm (l/sq m) of rain and hail in Samokov on 10 June. Many days of the month saw hailstorms in various parts of the country. The highest number of stations with recorded hail on 4, 13, 14 and 15 June.

In most of the country, monthly rainfall totals are between 3% and 80% of the climatic norm. Amounts above 80% occurred only in isolated places, most in Samokov - 168% of the climatic norm. With this, June 2024 is shaping up to be one of the driest Junes in 30 years.

The highest measured 24-hour rainfall was 113 mm (l/sq m) of rain and hail in Samokov on 10 June. Many days of the month saw hailstorms in various parts of the country. The highest number of stations with recorded hail were on 4, 13, 14 and 15 June.

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