Kremlin's shadow war against the West: 1/3 of Russia's budget is classified

18:12, 10.10.2024
Kremlin's shadow war against the West: 1/3 of Russia's budget is classified

Russia is conducting psychological warfare in Europe, FBI dossier revealed in early September. The document details Russian plans to win over Europeans' hearts and minds. Two Russian citizens were indicted and dozens of domains in the US were seized.

The document exposed Moscow’s efforts to manipulate German, French, Italian politicians, businesspeople, journalists and other influencers. For Mikhail Kasyanov, Russia's Prime Minister during Vladimir Putin's first presidential term, the information is not surprising.

The 277-page dossier details Russian plans to influence the situation in the USA and Europe. The goal of the Kremlin’s campaign was to sow division, discredit America and undermine support for Ukraine. Vladimir Putin’s deputy chief of staff Sergey Kiriyenko was in charge of the coordination of this operation. According to Mikhail Kasyanov, this is another proof of the Kremlin's long arm is the rise of the far right in Europe.

Mikhail Kasyanov, Prime Minister of Russia (2000-2004): 'Putin's Russia spends big money - you know that a third - 33% of the Russian budget is secret items. I am convinced that in part of these secret items, funds are provided for the maintenance of similar organizations in Europe. To divide, to alienate, to sow discord within the European Union. Decisions in the European Union are taken by consensus. And Putin wants and does everything he can to support both the far right and the far left - he does not care what they are. What is important for him is to have no unity in the European Union, no unified foreign policy, no unified security policy for the union. Putin wants to divide. And to sort problems separately with each European country."

Mikhail Kasyanov led the Russian government from 2000 to 2004. During his term in office, he enjoyed Putin's support, but after that their views diverged. Since March 2022 he has been living in Riga - for security reasons. Last year he was declared a foreign agent. The Russian Duma is already discussing the country's draft budget for the period 2025-2027. According to what it sets out, the country's spending next year will be 39.4 trillion rubles. Of these, 40 percent will go to defence. And, as it became clear, part of the secret items go to cyberattacks, disinformation, sabotage, influence on the rational and emotional level in social networks. According to the Russians quoted in the FBI report, the Germans are a particularly easy target for Moscow’s influence. The likely reason for this is their previous dependence on Russian gas.

Mikhail Kasyanov, Prime Minister of Russia (2000-2004): 'Putin has long had links with German industry, with the business community. He assisted their participation in tenders and offered lucrative deals in every possible way in order to 'tame' German business and persuade it to influence German politics - so that it could be pro-Russian, or in the extreme case, not anti-Russian. That is why I am convinced that the forthcoming elections in Germany, which are extremely important for the whole situation in Europe, so in these elections Putin will interfere. And, as I have already mentioned, in the secret expenditures in the budget for the 25th year, which has already been presented for discussion in the Duma, money has also been earmarked for such unsightly, improper and unacceptable operations."

Mikhail Kasyanov predicts that it is possible that the parliamentary elections in Germany will become early. According to him, the issue of Ukraine's survival is directly related to this election and the US presidential election.

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