Mariya Gabriel: I will not sign the governance memorandum, proposed by WCC-DB. Everything has limits

23:54, 21.02.2024
Mariya Gabriel: I will not sign the governance memorandum, proposed by WCC-DB. Everything has limits

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel announced on February 21 that she would not sign the memorandum proposed by “We Continue the Change – Democratic Bulgaria”. In a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gabriel pointed out that, in her opinion, the proposed memorandum violates the Constitution and represents a total disregard for the fundamental principles of democracy.

"I have patiently and deliberately not commented on the proposals for the upcoming rotation (Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel should switch posts), both from Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov and the WCC-DB. I have listened long enough to which is the right position for Mariya Gabriel and how things should happen. I heard an idea to change places and exotics for another ministry so that there is room for everyone. I will not sign the so-called memorandum. Everything has its limits. I do not accept that the country should be governed in total disregard of the fundamental principles of democracy," Gabriel said.

The Deputy Prime Minister said she had informed the ambassadors of the EU and the US about her decision on the memorandum and opposed the idea of the Foreign Ministry being divided into two because "Bulgaria must speak with one voice".

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According to her, the proposal of WCC-DB implies the state to be divided between the two power-sharing coalitions (WCC-DB and GERB-UDF), and the regulators, judiciary, services and control bodies to be shared, which could lead to their political control.

"The texts clearly indicate that the document essentially proposes two political forces to agree in absolute contradiction to the constitution, democracy and European practice. Every law relating to the election of regulators and supervisory bodies contains clear rules and requirements for the relevant position.

The memorandum contradicts the Bulgarian Constitution, which, for me, is the fundamental guiding principle of the rule of law and its provisions are unconditionally respected.

Images by BTA

"I see the memorandum as an ultimatum - for the purpose of politically controlling the independent judiciary, the supervisory bodies and the regulators. The rule of law principles should be followed," Gabriel said.

She asked why a similar agreement was not signed at the beginning of the non-coalition government, as GERB had insisted. She also asked whether the WCC-DB were proposing that such a memorandum be signed every nine months in rotation or only when the Prime Minister would be from GERB.

"This is sabotaging the process of talks and is a manifestation of anything but willingness to continue joint governance," she said.

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