Military and two helicopters battle four wildfires raging simultaneously in Plovdiv region

14:32, 12.07.2024
Military and two helicopters battle four wildfires raging simultaneously in Plovdiv region

The fight against the four wildfires, which are burning in the territory of Plovdiv region, Southern Bulgaria in the villages of Sarnegor, Otets Paisievo, Pesnopoi and Mihiltsi, continues.

A pine forest is burning in the area between Mihiltsi and Pesnopoi. The place is Chukorliyski Bair and is a difficult to reach area.

Wheat field, bushes and forest are burning in the area close to the village of Pesnopoi. Between Otets Paisievo and Sarnegor the water supply is difficult, which makes it necessary for a SOA Sector team to be positioned at one of the dams to supply water to the fire engines.

Military and two helicopters from the 24th Air Base in Krumovo took part in extinguishing the flames. The Mi-17 and Cougar helicopters took off at 13.21 from the airbase and will support the actions of the Regional Fire Safety and Population Protection Service.

A module from the 61st Stryamska Mechanised Brigade is also involved in the battle against the fire in the difficult to reach terrain. Since the fire front is large, volunteers from the Plovdiv 112 and Hisarya fire fighting brigades are also involved. The municipality of Hisarya called on all those who have the opportunity to join in the fire fighting efforts.

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