Minister Shishkov: Gas interconnector with Greece is not ready, we asked the investor to present a schedule for completion

13:33, 08.08.2022
Minister Shishkov: Gas interconnector with Greece is not ready, we asked the investor to present a schedule for completion

There are unfinished construction works on the gas link with Greece, so Bulgaria’s regional development ministry has asked the investor to present a detailed timetable on how and in what timeframe the interconnector will be completed, caretaker Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, architect Ivan Shishkov dais on August 8 after his meeting with the participants in the construction of the gas interconnector.

The construction of the project is divided into two stages - what is most urgent for the launch of the pipe will be done in the first stage to compensate for the delay. The minister declined to comment on the deadline until he receives the schedule from the builders.

"We have found that there is a delay in construction. The state has declared its full cooperation so that the site can be commissioned as soon as possible. We have asked the developer, because we will be helping him but also because we will be monitoring every day, to provide us with a network schedule not only with the completion date but a day-by-day schedule. This is the only way we can ensure the process is followed through and that all government institutions are available."

Bulgaria is expected to receive around 3 million cubic metres of Azeri gas a year through the gas link in question. The project also provides for additional capacity to allow up to 5.5 million cubic metres to pass through the pipe at a later stage. The total length of the link is 130 kilometres.

Ivan Shishkov's words made it clear that correspondence had been conducted with the previous gvernment regarding the shortcomings and delays in construction and the relevant authorities had been notified.

"We are counting on the builders, relative to the assistance of the state, to respond in the same way to the speed of construction so that this gas connector is put into operation as soon as possible. The entire state is available but we want speed and quality to complete the first phase."

I can't say to what extent the state is guilty or not and to what extent it has exercised control, but I don't want to look back, Shishkov said.

At the beginning of the meeting, caretaker Minister Ivan Shishkov declared that everything will be done to complete the interconnector with Greece. He also confirmed that from the first day of its work the new government is dealing with how far the construction of the link has gone.

"We have established that there have been objections from various institutions - the Fire Fighting Service, Irrigation Systems, including the Ministry of Environment and Water, which I have brought to the attention of all relevant ministers. We are working on eliminating all the problems as quickly as possible," Ivan Shishkov explained.

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