Mobile medical teams will provide healthcare services in small settlements

19:26, 24.03.2023
Mobile medical teams will provide healthcare services in small settlements

Teams of specialists from district hospitals will go on visits to small settlements where there are no doctors, caretaker Minister of Health Dr. Assen Medzhidiev said during a visit in Razgrad on March 24.

With the new law, which was passed in the previous parliament, the public discussion of our project on state funding of district hospitals ends on Monday, which will certainly be able to help further financially. We have just agreed with the director and with the municipality and it is starting next month, as in the municipality of Dobrich we organised it last week. Teams from the hospital will visit remote and small settlements where there are no doctors at the moment," Medzhidiev explained.

The minister visited the general hospital in the town of Razgrad to get acquainted with the state of the equipment. He said that the completion of the projects for the construction of an emergency ward is a priority, but the ministry will also help renovate the internal diseases ward, the pulmonology ward and the orthopaedic ward.

"The other thing that I have seen is the poor condition of the base in terms of beds and I think we will even be able to secure new beds, lockers as a donation from Europe to equip the hospital rooms."

As in the whole country, the hospital in Razgrad is experiencing an acute shortage of nurses. The minister said that after the joint decision with the Minister of Education, new branches of universities for training nurses have been opened.

"Here in the region, a branch is being opened in Dobrich for training of nurses and what makes me happy is that there are a lot of applicants," Minister Medzhidiev added. He also said that there is currently no shortage of antibiotics and other medicines in the pharmacy network.

images by Veneta Nikolova

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