New Bulgarian insulation product - will it meet Europe's climate targets

17:43, 24.07.2024
New Bulgarian insulation product - will it meet Europe's climate targets

A new type of insulation material may contribute to Europe's green targets. A Bulgarian company, together with universities across Europe and even Argentina, is involved in attempts to create insulation foam with improved characteristics. The research is part of the international Energy Storage project.

Hundreds of thousands of studies over the past two years have proved that the new insulation material created can be used in the construction of residential and industrial buildings.

"With this foam, the energy used for heating of this house is about 19-20% lower than for a house with stationary insulation. It was proven with the project that it is within its capabilities to replace all possible building insulation in the world. The scientific basis has been laid, the experiment is complete, the results are good and from now on, hopefully this becomes a reality and goes into series production," said Arch. Vesselin Kolev, Executive Director of GBS-Engineering.

One panel of the new material contains 90% air, resulting in improved insulation properties. The aim is to contribute to the energy efficiency of buildings.

"This is a new insulation material to replace existing ones. It is recyclable, environmentally friendly, very light, sustainable and in the spirit of the European Green Deal," said Prof. Dr. Eddy Koenders, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany.

The aim is to bring the new insulation into mass use.

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