Over 2,000 new jobs have been created by foreign investors in Bulgaria in 2023

InvestBulgaria Agency handed "Investor of the Year" awards

23:44, 05.03.2024
Over 2,000 new jobs have been created by foreign investors in Bulgaria in 2023

More than 2,000 new jobs were created by foreign investors in the country last year.

This became clear during the "Investor of the Year" awards ceremony, presented by the InvestBulgaria Agency on March 5.

A French company with an enterprise in Bulgaria’s second largest city of Plovdiv was awarded the grand prize. The award for the municipality that attracted the most investments went to Stara Zagora.

Three companies received the "Successful Start-up" prize.

Nearly BGN 7 billion of investments were attracted last year, which is an increase of 30% compared to the year before.

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