Over 80 companies from the IT sector took part in career forum of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University

18:04, 29.05.2024
Over 80 companies from the IT sector took part in career forum of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University

Over 80 companies from the IT sector participate in the career forum of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".

The 15th edition of the forum aims to assist students in their realisation and successful career development.

The companies that participated in the forum offered students internships and permanent positions. According to the management of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, more than 90% of the students succeeded in their career.

"There are a lot of opportunities open, especially for software engineering. I think they are still looking for specialists and that we won't have a problem finding a job," says Christian Yanakov, a student.

"I came here to find an internship. It might be a junior position and I hope to hear what each company is developing and decide where my place is," says Anastasia Madzharova, student.

"We are glad that there are such forums because they are the link between business and education, which is very important. Most of the companies, not just us, offer the opportunity to learn once you start at some early position in your career and if you are willing, you can certainly achieve a lot," assures Mincho Donev, IT sector representative.

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