Parliament adopts the agreement between the government and the energy companies

16:38, 04.10.2023
Parliament adopts the agreement between the government and the energy companies

With 133 votes in favour, 66 against and 0 abstentions, the Parliament on October 4 supported the government's agreement with the protesters from the coal mining industry and the thermal power plants.

The Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), “Vazrazhdane” and “There is Such a People” voted against the agreement.

Mutual insults and subsequent punishments of MPs accompanied the debate on the topic.

“We from "Vazrazhdane" are against this made-up agreement that does not satisfy the protest. It makes a mockery of the people and we warn you, don't play with people's patience. The people are not stupid," said Iskra Mihaylova of "Vazrazhdane".

The “We Continue the Change – Democratic Bulgaria” accused "Vazrazhdane" of populism.

"From the 10 minutes in which you spoke Mrs. Mihaylova, I did not hear a proposal for a solution. Only when you call what was agreed with the unions 'shameful', and it was signed by a large part of the unions in the energy sector. Her party wants to bring a new division in the sector and when we want to preserve this activity," announced Radoslav Ribarski from WCC-DB.

The left demanded the agreement not to be signed, but to accept their proposal of last week to immediately withdraw the Territorial Just Transition Plans from Brussels and to overhaul the Recovery Plan.

"We from the BSP will not support this proposal. There are too many uncertainties and questions rather than answers for the protesting miners and energy workers. What is described at the moment, there is no firmness to preserve the work of the miners, there is no action. It is all just to gloss over the tensions. There must be a long-term vision, if you cannot do it, resign, so that we do not ruin this sector, the pride of the Bulgarian economy," Dragomir Stoynov added.

The Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) was the only party that did not take part in the debate.

There is an agreement between the protesting energy workers and the government

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