President Radev: Bulgaria expects reliable supplies and predictable fuel prices

The Head of State held talks with the management of Lukoil

23:32, 13.09.2023
President Radev: Bulgaria expects reliable supplies and predictable fuel prices

Bulgaria expects reliable supplies and predictable fuel prices, Head of State, President Rumen Radev said at a meeting with the management of Lukoil held at the presidential institution on September 13.

President Radev highlighted the good cooperation and open dialogue of the caretaker government with Lukoil, as a result of which fuel prices were reduced to the lowest levels in the European Union, and the company transferred its headquarters from Switzerland to Bulgaria and started paying its taxes in the country.

The company's options for alternative oil supplies to ensure continuity in the production process and to guarantee the employment of the workers in the new situation after the termination of the concession of the port of Rosenets and the actions taken by the government for the early suspension of the derogation for the import of Russian crude oil were the focus of the meeting.

"Lukoil Neftohim Burgas" will fulfil its commitment to switch to processing non-Russian oil, company representatives said at a meeting with Prime Minister Acad. NikolayiDenkov. They discussed the reasonable timeframe for completing this transition before the expiry of the derogation allowed by the European Commission by the end of 2024. The parties agreed to continue the dialogue on this issue.

The reason for the discussion on this topic was the proposal for early termination of the exemption from the European oil embargo for Russia, submitted to the Parliament before its summer recess by MPs from GERB-UDF, "We Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria" and the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF).

The Prime Minister raised the issue of the regular payment of advance taxes that Lukoil owes to the state budget.

In addition to the 10% corporate tax, by law the company is required to pay another 33% temporary solidarity contribution. Representatives of Lukoil confirmed to the Prime Minister their readiness to fulfil their obligation in accordance with the requirements of the law.

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