President Radev: I urge the government to ensure Bulgaria's full Schengen accession by the New Year

15:54, 22.12.2023
President Radev: I urge the government to ensure Bulgaria's full Schengen accession by the New Year

"I call on the government to ensure Bulgaria's full accession to Schengen by the end of the year. With a lot of diplomacy, effort and specific results during the caretaker government, we managed to achieve a concrete commitment for October, unfortunately this momentum was not developed, but barriers were erected on this path," said Rumen Radev.

The head of state criticised the government for the transit fee on Russian gas, which, although cancelled, has, according to him, discredited Bulgaria as an unreliable partner in Europe.

He emphasised that "political hypocrisy has a high price and this price is not paid by politicians, but by the public and businesses".

President Rumen Radev said that he signed a decree on the Law, which promulgates the decision of the ruling majority to waive the imposed fee for gas transit. With this, according to him, the barrier that the government and the Parliament themselves have erected on the road to Schengen is falling.

The ridiculous policy of the ruling has decapitalised Bulgartransgaz, according to the President, and has discredited us as an unreliable partner in Europe.

Bulgaria’s Parliament conclusively adopted the changes in the Constitution

"Until recently, the leaders of "We Continue the Change" and "Democratic Bulgaria" competed to trumpet that Borisov and Peevski are corruption, mafia and behind the scenes politics and should be kept away from power. Today they rule together, rape the Constitution together and together they will save from corruption. This is so malodorous that the smell reaches even those who are looking for any excuse to trip us up for Schengen," Rumen Radev added.

The President commented on the changes in the Constitution: "The ruling majority either does not realize what risks they are putting us into or they are making these changes for specific people. Complex measures are needed to include our compatriots abroad - with remote voting, with a special constituency. Clearly, their appetite for power does not fit into the Constitution and it had to be rewritten. These changes will inevitably lead to crises. I will refer this matter to the Constitutional Court."

President Radev refers Constitution amendments to Constitutional Court

"Do you make a distinction between the inclusion of Bulgarians by birth in the governance of the country who have acquired dual citizenship, as I stated four years ago, and the current decision to bring foreigners with Bulgarian passports into the government and Parliament. Do you distinguish between what I said, European Union countries, and the current opening up to all countries around the world. Do you distinguish between the security environment then and its dramatic deterioration now," the Bulgarian President noted.

"We, in the presidential institution, are examining the Budget in detail, I do not intend to veto it, but we will monitor whether the plan to start preparations for land sales in 2025 will be implemented next year," Rumen Radev added.

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