Protest of "Vazrazhdane" party supporters escalates to clashes with police

16:23, 21.09.2023

The protest, organized by Vazrazhdane" party, on September 21, escalated to a fight with police in the centre of Sofia. Demonstrators tore down scaffolding and removed parts of the fence around the Monument to the Soviet Army.

Police with shields push protesters away from the fence breach. MPs from “Vazrazhdane” also entered the fenced areas.

"We showed that if we want - we can remove this illegal fencing. We clearly state that we will not allow fascism to pass through Bulgaria a second time. We will not allow anyone to mock the historical memory of the Bulgarian people. Long live Bulgaria!" said the leader of "Vazrazhdane" Kostadin Kostadinov.

The protesters want the government to resign.

Protesters blocked the Eagles Bridge Square.

Video and images by Nikolai Minkov


The Soviet Army Monument in central Sofia was fenced off on August 25, 2023, following a request by mayor of Sredets district, Traicho Traikov, who said it was necessary because of structural safety concerns. A considerable police presence was in place as the workers erected fences around the monument, which has often been an arena of clashes for pro- and anti-Russia groups in the Bulgarian society. The clashes escalated recently as Sofia city council announced plans to remove the monument from its spot and relocate it.

In a Facebook post on August 25, the leader of the nationalist “Vazrazhdane” party urged supporters to go to the monument to rally and oppose the fencing.

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