Rally in Sofia calls for the release of child hostages taken into Gaza

16:24, 07.11.2023
Rally in Sofia calls for the release of child hostages taken into Gaza
Image: BTA

November 7 marks one month since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas, which began after the radical Islamist group's surprise attack that killed more than 1,400 people, most of them civilians.

A peaceful demonstration is being held today in front of the National Palace of Culture in Sofia in support of the efforts to release more than 200 hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, including many children.

The event is part of a global campaign. Jews living in Bulgaria hung golden heart-shaped balloons on prams, roller skates and toys with a message calling for the release of the kidnapped children and their return to their families.

"We want the whole world to know what the people of Israel are going through right now - how little children are suffering, taken from their homes, from their beds and no one knows what is happening to them. We hope they will return alive and well soon," said a participant in the demonstration in Sofia.

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