Rise in gastrointestinal infections at the seaside reported by doctors

17:21, 05.07.2024
Rise in gastrointestinal infections at the seaside reported by doctors

Doctors report a rise in gastrointestinal infections at the seaside. The most widespread are enteroviruses.

Usually in the height of the summer season, there is an increase in the number of patients outside the doctors’ offices, with children being among the most affected. Dr. Plamen Panayotov works as a general practitioner in Burgas and most of his patients are children. According to him, the reason for the increased growth of gastrointestinal infections is related to high temperatures, which very easily activate viruses.

"Usually these are infections that spread from person to person through contact and some Spread through the air by droplets The symptoms include high fever, with gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea, vomiting, upset stomach. Dehydration occurs very rapidly. It is advisable to consult a doctor immediately," advises Dr. Plamen Panayotov.A way to protect against viral and bacterial infections is good personal hygiene.

"It is important to wash your hands, wash fruit before you eat them to prevent gastroenteritis infection. If we have a suspicion that the food has stayed too long in a hot, warm place, do not eat it, because there is a risk of food born illnesses," he reminds.

If we are going on holiday by the sea, it is mandatory to put some medication in the luggage.

"Temperature-lowering medicines, anti-inflammatories, hydrating products, and some probiotic," advises Vasil Hodzhev, a master pharmacist.

Doctors also advise against taking antibiotics when symptoms of viral infections occur.

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