Schools in five districts in Bulgaria switch to remote learning amid surging flu outbreak

21:24, 30.01.2024
Schools in five districts in Bulgaria switch to remote learning amid surging flu outbreak

Students in five districts in Bulgaria switch to distance learning in electronic environment due to declared flu epidemic - Sofia - district, Varna, Pazardzhik, Pernik and Yambol.

In-person attendance classes are suspended in Burgas.

In the districts of Varna and Pazardzhik, remote learning will continue until the end of the week - 2 February, and in the district of Pernik it will continue until 9 February inclusive.

In Sofia district (which is different from Sofia city), the in-person classes are suspended from 1 to 7 February inclusive.

In the district of Yambol, students will study in an electronic environment from 1 to 6 February.

Burgas was the first district to declare school closures because of the flu, in effect from 1st to 6th February inclusive. The influenza epidemic in the district is also extended for this period.

Currently, all pupils from Plovdiv district and two schools from Gabrovo district are studying online­.­­­

Ten disticts out of the 28 in Bulgaria have so far declated flu epidemic. Anti-epidemic measures have been introduced, including suspension of elective consultations for children and healthy pregnant women, routine medical checkups and compulsory immunisation and re-immunisation procedures.

Visits to patients in hospitals and social services institutions are also suspended.

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