Sofia's new bike lanes: satisfied and dissatisfied with the traffic reorganization

19:18, 10.05.2024
Sofia's new bike lanes: satisfied and dissatisfied with the traffic reorganization

The controversy over the new bike lanes in Sofia caused the convening of an extraordinary meeting of the Transport Committee. Despite the almost 5-hour-long disputes, no specific decision was reached. The ruling accused the protesting residents of the Patriarch Evtimiy Boulevard area of causing traffic jams with their demonstrations. Dissatisfied members of the public again complained about the lack of parking spaces and demanded a halt to the project. This is the demand of all political groups in Sofia City Council, except the ruling ones. They pointed out that in 24 hours the municipality received 223 positive opinions and only 20 against.

Supporters of the new traffic organisation came to the municipality on bicycles and on the new bike lanes. There, the dissatisfied residents of central Sofia were already waiting for them. So the arguments started even before entering the hall.

Dimitar Michev: "First what was done, should be stopped! – I.e. to be removed? - Yes, absolutely! Why did they do it."

Alexander Ivanchev, cyclist: "Prospects on 4 lanes only cars, noise pollution, cars, cars, cars, well let's try something else? - What do you suggest, that we all go on bikes? - No, I'm not suggesting that, I'm suggesting that there should be equal traffic for all users."

The meeting began with a statement from Deputy Mayor for Transport, Ilian Pavlov, who re-introduced the project and explained its benefits to all road users. A round of applause from the cycling community followed.

However, the other parties continued to insist that the project had not been discussed and demanded that it be stopped.

Ivaylo Yonkov, councillor from "Blue Sofia": "So, at the very next meeting we will consider the point and restore the old traffic."

Prosko Proshkov, municipal councillor from GERB-UDF: "No one is against equal treatment and for alternatives to the cars, but that is not the way, not the time and especially not the right approach."

Andrei Zografski, deputy chairman of the transport committee: "Only in the last 24 hours, 250 opinions have arrived to the transport committee, 223 are in favour of this project, 20 are against."

Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov also commented on the issue:

"I believe that before doing this thing, which is already active at the moment, the municipality should provide the necessary parking spaces primarily for the residents of the central city."

The ruling reiterated that the project was coordinated with both experts and members of the public. They also explained that the place of the bike lanes is not on the sidewalk, and that bike traffic has increased by 30% and will increase even more.

Images by BTA


The recent traffic and parking adjustments along key boulevards and streets in the centre of Sofia sparked heated debates and disputes among residents. The changes on “Vitosha”, “Patriarch Eftimiy”, and “Fritjof Nansen” boulevards, including diagonal parking arrangements, have fueled discussions on social media platforms.

On May 7, there were protests because of the new traffic organisation on the three metropolitan boulevards. The reconstruction includes the removal of the bike lane on Blvd. "Vitosha" from the pavement of the roadway, construction of a new bike lane on Blvd. "Patriarch Evtimiy", as well as two-way traffic on "Fritjof Nansen”.

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