Tens of thousands still without electricity three days after the snowfall and high winds

18:38, 28.11.2023
Tens of thousands still without electricity three days after the snowfall and high winds

Tens of thousands of customers in hundreds of settlements in the country remain without electricity for the third day.

In western Bulgaria, 16,000 customers are without electricity. There are still power outages in seven districts, with the largest number being in Montana and Sofia region, according to data of Electrohold as at 17:00 on November 28.

More than 1,300 employees are working to fix the problems. Heavy snow, strong winds and fallen trees and branches broke 77 poles.

In northeastern Bulgaria, 98 locations are without power. Nearly 16,000 people are affected.

There is not a single settlement without electricity in southern Bulgaria, with the latest breakdowns having been repaired before noon today, EVN assured.

Teams are working around the clock to fix the breakdowns on the electricity distribution network.

"I have turned away three patients with electronic prescriptions. There is no electricity, no internet and I cannot serve them. A little while ago a woman with bronchopneumonia came, I wrote down her personal details, gave her the antibiotic and when the internet comes I will enter the data of the electronic prescription," said Snezhana Alexandrova, a pharmacist, owner of a pharmacy in Godech.

Heavy snow and high winds leave more than half a million households in Bulgaria without electricity

Southwestern parts of Sofia and several municipalities in Western Bulgaria are without electricity

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