Thousands of people gathered in various places in Bulgaria to watch the sun rise on the 1st day of July. As part of the tradition, the largest number of people gather along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, where lots of concerts took place all night...

11:33, 01.07.2016

Thousands of people gathered in various places in Bulgaria to watch the sun rise on the 1st day of July.

As part of the tradition, the largest number of people gather along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, where lots of concerts took place all night long.

The frontman of Uriah Heep, John Lawton, and the ‘July Morning’ song, which is the signature of the tradition, this year met the first rays of the sun at the bank of the Danube river in Tutrakan together with the musicians from the Bulgarian rock band B.T.R. and the former mayor of Kavarna, Tsonko Tsonev. Over 3,000 people gathered there this year.

The July Morning tradition dates back to the hippie period in the 1970s and 1980s and originated as a protest against the restrictions of the communist regime. The meeting of the sunrise was a symbol of meeting a new beginning and a better future. Nowadays this meaning is lost, but the sun worship as a symbol of a new beginning in life motivates young people to keep the tradition live.

On 1st of July every year, thousands of people gather along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast to meet the sunrise.

The first sun rays are usually met with Uriah Heep’s song ‘July Morning’.

People gather around fires, sharing drinks and playing music, while they wait for the sunrise.

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