Thermal Power Plant " ContourGlobal Maritsa-East" 3 stopped working

17:24, 21.02.2024
Thermal Power Plant "ContourGlobal Maritsa-East" 3 stopped working

Thermal Power Plant "ContourGlobal Maritsa-East" 3 stopped working at 23.59 last night, February 20.

As of today, February 21, the plant no longer has a contract with the National Electricity Company and will now have to sell on the free market, but at the moment the prices are not profitable, according to the company.

No redundancies are planned at this stage. At the moment, the com[any said they will deal with maintenance, repair of the plant and preparing it for a time when electricity prices will be more favourable for the TPP.

End users of electricity will not be affected by the change in the market situation. The company said it would come out with official information in the coming days.


ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 TPP is a thermal power plant and is one of four power plants in south-central Bulgaria’s Maritsa East Energy Complex.

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