Trade unions: Monthly living income for a family of three in Bulgaria is 2,376 BGN per month

14:23, 25.10.2022
Trade unions: Monthly living income for a family of three in Bulgaria is 2,376 BGN per month

BGN 2,376 per month is needed for a family of three in September 2022, according to the Institute for Social and Trade Union Research of CITUB trade union.

In a year, the cost of living has increased by almost 20% - about a percentage point more than the inflation reported by national statistics.

The salary a worker should receive to provide for a family with one child should be BGN 1,531. However, more than 1,800,000 people earn less than the size of the living wage.

"Three options have been calculated - 760, 600 and 860 by the finance ministry and I told you the highest one, which is actually 850, is our demand for how much money we need. For the others, of course, we need less on a net expenditure budget basis. Of course, business has its own considerations here, which we do not accept, given that BGN 850 to 710 is exactly 20%, which is the rate of the inflation. Therefore, we believe that the minimum wage should be updated with these numbers," said Plamen Dimitrov - President of CITUB trade union.

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