Two people have died of West Nile fever in Sofia

18:58, 02.09.2024
Two people have died of West Nile fever in Sofia

Two people died of West Nile fever in Sofia on August 29. The virus is transmitted to humans and animals through the bite of an infected mosquito. 80% of infected people do not show any symptoms.

The virus has been present in the country for years, Elderly and people with comorbidities are at a higher risk of developing the disease. There is no specific treatment and no vaccine. A prescription for emergency spraying against mosquitoes has already been sent to the Municipality in Sofia.

Three cases of West Nile virus infection have been recorded in the country since the beginning of the year. Two of them ended fatally - the patients were over 70 years old and had multiple accompanying diseases. They were hospitalised as emergency patients with muscle weakness, fatigue and fever. The third infected is a man from Haskovo, Southern Bulgaria.

"He is in good condition, but he is also younger, in his 60s," said Prof. Iva Hristova, director of the Centre for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases.

Only the third infected person is known to have been abroad. He returned to Bulgaria in early August and at the time had symptoms. Most people don't even realise they have been infected with the virus, scientists say. The incubation period is between 3 and 14 days.

"In 19.5%, it is flu-like with a fever and high body temperature of more than 38 degrees per Celsius, with a minor rash on the body, with severe fatigue and muscle aches," said Prof. Hristova.

In only half a percent of those infected, the virus invades the central nervous system. Complications are then severe.

"It can be with convulsions or with paralyses, with hallucinations, coma is possible," explained Prof. Hristova.

The virus has been present in Europe for more than 30 years. The highest number of people infected in our country was in 2018 - 15 people. There were also two deaths then. August and September are the peak months of infection. People infected with the virus develop lifelong immunity. Health authorities recommend regular spraying against mosquitoes as well as the use of repellents.

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