Valchitran gold treasure will be on display in National History Museum

20:41, 21.04.2022
Valchitran gold treasure will be on display in National History Museum

The Valchitran gold treasure can be seen by visitors of the National History Museum in the new space presenting the Thracian culture during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages.

The exhibition is arranged thanks to the cooperation with the National Archaeological Institute with Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the NHM said.

The Valchitran gold treasure is one of the most enigmatic treasures discovered in Bulgarian lands. It was unearthed by chance in 1924 while cultivating land near the village of. Valchitran, Pleven district.

It has a total weight of 12.4 kilogrammes and consists of thirteen items – seven lid-shaped objects of different diametres, four deep kythoi (one big and three smaller one-handle cups), a kantharos (large, deep vessel with two handles), and a triple vessel consisting of three interconnected almond-shaped pieces.

The discoverers initially doubted that the objects were made of gold. This led to the decision to cut off some of the lids with a pair of vineyard shears and take the pieces to Pleven, where it was confirmed that the material was gold. A goldsmith in Pleven informed the National Archaeological Museum in Sofia and on 7 January 1925 the treasure was taken there, the cut pieces never having been found.

The treasure from Valchitran is one of the most striking and interesting examples of ancient torreutics (the art of working metal) known today.

There is still an ongoing debate among researchers about the dating of the treasure. Some researchers think it was made during the Middle Bronze Age period (2000 and 1600 BC), while others think it is from the Late Bronze Age period (1600-1200 BC).

Apart from the controversy over the dating of the Valchitran gold treasure, there is still ongoing debate over its belonging to the cultural and historical areas of the Balkan Peninsula.

Some researchers maintain the theory of its origin in the territories of the middle Danube, others associate it with the civilizations of Anatolia of the pre-Hittite and Hittite periods. There is also a suggestion of a connection with the Mycenaean civilization.

Despite all the theories, the Valchitran treasure, together with the Panagyurishte gold treasure, are the most magnificent monuments of Thracian culture.

The largest Thracian gold treasure ever discovered in Bulgaria can be seen at the National History Museum from April 28 until the autumn of 2022.

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