Wildfire in Strumyani municpality brought under control

15:34, 01.08.2024
Wildfire in Strumyani municpality brought under control

The fire front between the villages of Karpelevo and Tsaparevo in the Maleshevska Mountains, Southwestern Bulgaria, is almost completely localized.

An outbreak remains active, but it is currently being extinguished by helicopters from Krumovo Air Base. Firefighters and foresters are using fire breaks to contain the fire.

If the weather conditions remain good in the afternoon, there are real chances that the fire will be contained today, August 1.

There is no danger to settlements and people's houses. After 9 o'clock today, the two helicopters from Krumovo Air Base joined the extinguishing efforts. Tomorrow, aircraft from Sweden are also expected to join in under the European civil protection mechanism.

Many volunteers responded to the call of the South-Western State Enterprise and organised themselves to help in the extinguishing. However, they are required to coordinate all their actions with the firefighting headquarters.

The situation with wildfires in Blagoevgrad region is serious, there is no danger for the population

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