Woman, victim of cruel beating by her husband: Do not suffer in silence and don't be afraid to come forward, because it gets worse

18:24, 04.06.2024
Woman, victim of cruel beating by her husband: Do not suffer in silence and don't be afraid to come forward, because it gets worse

The woman who was the victim of a cruel beating by her husband in the city of Vratsa is demanding a fair sentence for her abuser. She made a special appeal to all women who were victims of domestic violence.

"I would like to make an appeal to all women subjected to any kind of violence - whether physical, mental or verbal. Dear women, do not be silent, do not be afraid, do not be ashamed and seek help! No matter how difficult it is, there is a solution. Don't be silent because it is getting worse and worse and you are spinning in a vicious circle. Seek help to avoid a fatal end. I insist that there should be justice and that justice should really impose an effective sentence on my attacker," she told the BNT cameras on June 4.

Although the abuser has been arrested, her family continues to live in fear. The victim's relatives are demanding the harshest punishment without any compromise for her attacker.

"She is scared to death and so are we, the family, because many threats have been made against us. It will be very difficult to go on from here. We are all worried and scared, never mind that he is in custody. I will demand justice and the harshest sentence that can be given to him without any compromise because this is not the first beating and not the first violence that has happened to her," the victim's mother said.

The man violated two restraining orders not to approach his wife, broke into her home and subjected her to a brutal beating for six hours.

The 38-year-old man is in custody and has been charged with three counts of violating a restraining order, threatening to kill and inflicting moderate bodily harm.


For six hours, the 38-year-old man punched and kicked his wife despite having two restraining orders not to approach her. The victim underwent life-saving surgery at the Vratsa General Hospital.

On the day of the attack (May 28), the woman came home and saw a glass of vodka on the kitchen table. That's how she knew her husband was in her home. She quickly went to the phone, but her 38-year-old husband intercepted her and began punching and kicking her. The brutal beating lasted about six hours.

"Fighting, kicking, fists to the head, in the chest, ribs, everywhere. She fainted more than once, lost consciousness, he poured water on her to make her come to her senses and started again," said Boyana Tashkova, the victim's mother.

The man took out a gun and a knife. Then he left saying that he was giving her life as a gift. The woman was not able to move, but managed to make a call to her daughter for help. Doctors at the General Hospital in Vratsa performed life-saving surgery on the victim. Her condition has been stabilized, the hospital confirmed.

The perpetrator is in custody and has been given a permanent detention order. He has been charged with violating a restraining order against his wife, inflicting moderate bodily harm under conditions of domestic violence and threatening to kill.

"In the course of the investigation, it was found that the restraining order was violated as he entered the residence in respect of which he was prohibited. He was also found to have threatened murder with a gun and a knife. He inflicted bodily injuries to the head and body, as a result of which he caused the victim a temporary and life-threatening health disorder," explained Emilian Kostov, spokesman for the Vratsa District Prosecutor's Office.

The prosecutor's office in Vratsa is adamant that they will be uncompromising.

"This is unscrupulous and audacious and because of this our only reaction is to promptly identify and detain. The perpetrators should know that we will be uncompromising," said Emilian Kostov.

For violation of the restraining order, the law provides for a penalty of up to 3 years in prison or a fine of up to BGN 5,000, for threatening to kill the penalty is up to 6 years in prison, and for causing medium bodily harm - imprisonment for a term of 2 to 10 years.

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