Zheleznitsa tunnel on Struma motorway opens to traffic

18:00, 20.02.2024
Zheleznitsa tunnel on Struma motorway opens to traffic

'Zheleznitsa' tunnel of Struma Motorway was officially opened on February 20. It is the longest one in Bulgaria - 2 km, and together with it the traffic will be launched on another 3 km long section of the motorway.

'Zheleznitsa' tunnel on Struma Motorway was completed several years ago. However, landslides in the area necessitated the construction of additional facilities to ensure the safety of travellers.

"This is the most modern and the longest tunnel in Bulgaria. It meets all national requirements, Eurocodes and standards. It has 14 security, monitoring, traffic control and management systems. The facility also has four connecting tubes - two pedestrian and two vehicular. There are 107 CCTV cameras and audio alerts. This ensures a safe and secure journey through the tunnel," said the tunnel's designer, engineer Krasimir Naydenov.

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