Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bulgariantop40/
“Българският Топ 40″ е национална музикална класация, базирана на най-излъчваните песни и видеоклипове в над 30 български медии.
Предаването е копродукция на Българска национална телевизия и Lightwork Creative.
Водещата Поли Генова прави преглед на 40-те най-излъчвани песни в българския ефир. Тук намират място и последните новини от света на музиката, най-значимите събития от историята на световните класации, а с репортажите си Краси Иванова ни среща отблизо с популярните български изпълнители.
В предаването “Българският Топ 40″ се прави и класацията ”Българските 20”, която се определя изцяло от гласовете на зрителите в уеб сайта на предаването: http://www.bgtop40.com
“Bulgarian top 40” is a national music chart. The rankings are based on the most played songs and video clips on over 30 Bulgarian media.
The show is a co-production of the Bulgarian National Television and Lightwork Creative and is broadcast on Saturdays at 21:45 on BNT1.
The presenter, Poli Genova, lists the 40 songs that have been played most on air in Bulgaria and shows the latest news from the music world along with the most-significant events from the history of the world music charts. Reporter Krasi Ivanova introduces viewers to popular Bulgarian singers.
“Bulgarian Top 40” features the “Bulgarian Top 20” chart which is based on votes of viewers on the website of the show http://www.bgtop40.com
“Bulgarian top 40” is a national music chart. The rankings are based on the most played songs and video clips on over 30 Bulgarian media.
The show is a co-production of the Bulgarian National Television and Lightwork Creative and is broadcast on Saturdays at 21:45 on BNT1.
The presenter, Poli Genova, lists the 40 songs that have been played most on air in Bulgaria and shows the latest news from the music world along with the most-significant events from the history of the world music charts. Reporter Krasi Ivanova introduces viewers to popular Bulgarian singers.
“Bulgarian Top 40” features the “Bulgarian Top 20” chart which is based on votes of viewers on the website of the show http://www.bgtop40.com
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