БНТ извади на показ тайните на организираната престъпност в България с предаването "На прицел със Слави Ангелов". То е документална поредица, която в 12 серии показа на зрителите непознатия за тях подземен свят под контрола на мафията. Автор и сценарист на поредицата е един от най-добрите разследващи журналисти у нас – Слави Ангелов. Той е и консултант на хитовата продукция на националната телевизия „Под прикритие”. В предаването зрителите видяха сензационни записи, снимани със скрита камера, за които Ангелов е водил дългогодишни преговори.
BNT launches a new programme, which will bring out the secrets of organized crime in Bulgaria. ‘Na Pritsel sas Slavi Angelov’ (Aiming at a target with Slavi Angelov) is a documentary series of 12 episodes uncovering facts about the mafia controlled underground world.
The author and script-writer is one of the best Bulgarian investigative journalists Slavi Angelov, who is also a consultant for the production of the BNT blockbuster crime series ‘Undercover’.
The documentary starts airing on 2 April and will be broadcast every Wednesday at 22:00. Viewers will witness sensational recordings, which were filmed with a hidden camera and for which Angleov led many years of negotiations.
BNT launches a new programme, which will bring out the secrets of organized crime in Bulgaria. ‘Na Pritsel sas Slavi Angelov’ (Aiming at a target with Slavi Angelov) is a documentary series of 12 episodes uncovering facts about the mafia controlled underground world.
The author and script-writer is one of the best Bulgarian investigative journalists Slavi Angelov, who is also a consultant for the production of the BNT blockbuster crime series ‘Undercover’.
The documentary starts airing on 2 April and will be broadcast every Wednesday at 22:00. Viewers will witness sensational recordings, which were filmed with a hidden camera and for which Angleov led many years of negotiations.
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