Телефон: 02 814 24 55
Предаването „Опознай България” отвежда зрителя до едни от най-интересните кътчета от страната, представя историческите и географски особености на цели региони, запознава с малко известни факти. Освен опознавателен характер, форматът дава възможност да образова ученици от 1-ви до 12-ти клас. Всяко предаване представлява образователно-развлекателен разказ, търси известни личности от региона, разговаря с историци, с възрастни хора, запечатали факти от историята. Зрителят винаги е воден от най-сладкодумния разказвач. Той разпитва, обяснява и показва – задава всички, дори на пръв поглед странни, въпроси и търси логични отговори. Така неусетно историята и географията се преливат и се вижда логиката на нещата.
‘Opoznay Bulgaria’ (English: ‘Get to Know Bulgaria’)
The program ‘Opoznay Bulgaria’ airs on BNT World (Wednesday at 15:30) and replays on BNT 2 (Saturday afternoon). It will take viewers to the most interesting places in the country, reveal the historical and geographical features of entire regions, introduce viewer to little known facts. Except being informative, this format provides also a possibility to educate students from the 1st to the 12th grade.
Each show will be an educational and entertaining narration, search for famous personalities in the region and talk to hISTORIYAns and elderly people who know facts of history.
Viewers will travel to places, but will always be guided by the best storyteller. He will interrogate, explain and display, ask questions that at first seem strange, and seek logical answers. Thus, history and geography will imperceptibly merge to reveal the logic of things.
Host – Ilarion Stamatov
Cameraman – Alexander Radoev
Director – Konstantin Mladenov
Senior Producer – Genoveva Momcheva
Telephone: 02 814 24 55
‘Opoznay Bulgaria’ (English: ‘Get to Know Bulgaria’)
The program ‘Opoznay Bulgaria’ airs on BNT World (Wednesday at 15:30) and replays on BNT 2 (Saturday afternoon). It will take viewers to the most interesting places in the country, reveal the historical and geographical features of entire regions, introduce viewer to little known facts. Except being informative, this format provides also a possibility to educate students from the 1st to the 12th grade.
Each show will be an educational and entertaining narration, search for famous personalities in the region and talk to hISTORIYAns and elderly people who know facts of history.
Viewers will travel to places, but will always be guided by the best storyteller. He will interrogate, explain and display, ask questions that at first seem strange, and seek logical answers. Thus, history and geography will imperceptibly merge to reveal the logic of things.
Host – Ilarion Stamatov
Cameraman – Alexander Radoev
Director – Konstantin Mladenov
Senior Producer – Genoveva Momcheva
Telephone: 02 814 24 55
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