Телефон за връзка: 02 814 24 55
Email: akrani@bnt.bg
„Шоуто на Акрани” е развлекателно предаване, което обръща внимание на изкуството като цяло, но най-вече на музиката, песента и танца, независимо от жанра, изпълнението и етническата принадлежност на твореца.
Изкуството е една от визитните картички на всяка страна, но именно чрез езика на песента, музиката и танца, различните народи се разбират без думи и се обединяват в едно. Съчетаването на разнородните жанрове в изкуството, подплътени с атракция, заличават границите и бариерите между етносите.
‘Shouito na Akrani’ (English: ‘Akrani Show’)
“Akrani Show” is an entertainment programme focusing on art in general, but mostly on music, singing and dancing, regardless of genre, performance and ethnicity of the artist.
Art is one of the trademarks of every country, but especially through the language of music, singing and dancing different nations get to understand each other without using words and to ‘speak’ the same language. The combination of various artistic genres, along with entertainment, takes down the borders and barriers between the different nations.
Watch ‘Akrani Show’ every Sunday at 13:00 on BNT2.
Contact telephone: +359 2 814 24 55
E-mail: akrani@bnt.bg
‘Shouito na Akrani’ (English: ‘Akrani Show’)
“Akrani Show” is an entertainment programme focusing on art in general, but mostly on music, singing and dancing, regardless of genre, performance and ethnicity of the artist.
Art is one of the trademarks of every country, but especially through the language of music, singing and dancing different nations get to understand each other without using words and to ‘speak’ the same language. The combination of various artistic genres, along with entertainment, takes down the borders and barriers between the different nations.
Watch ‘Akrani Show’ every Sunday at 13:00 on BNT2.
Contact telephone: +359 2 814 24 55
E-mail: akrani@bnt.bg
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