Bulgaria marks the Day of Europe

11:34, 09.05.2024
Bulgaria marks the Day of Europe
Image: pixabay.com

On 9th of May, Bulgaria marks the Day of Europe - the date on which French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman read out the historic declaration of European unification.

Head of State Rumen Radev and Vice President Iliana Iotova attended the ceremony of raising the flag of the European Union in front of the Presidency.

On May 9, 1950, 5 years after the end of World War II, Schuman called for the pooling of French and West German resources and industries to produce coal and steel to avoid future military conflicts. The "Schuman Declaration" was the basis for the European Coal and Steel Community, the forerunner of today's EU.

Robert Schuman proposed the creation of a supranational European institution responsible for managing the industry. The countries to which he refers were, until recently, engaged in a devastating military conflict with each other. This day marks the beginning of the unification of the countries of Europe and the maintenance of peaceful relations on the Old Continent.

The Schuman Declaration is considered the foundation of today's united Europe, the beginning of the path taken towards a community of shared values and common interests.

In 1985, the leaders of the countries of the European Union decided to celebrate 9 May as Europe Day. Since then, the day has symbolised the quest for unity, peace and prosperity in Europe. In Bulgaria, Europe Day was proclaimed by Decree No. 54 of the Council of Ministers of 29 March 2005.

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