The Bulgarian Who Kicked a Woman in Berlin Subway Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison

The Bulgarian who kicked a woman down a flight of stairs at an underground station in Berlin in October 2016, was sentenced to 35 months of imprisonment by a German court, DPA reported on 6 July...

18:19, 06.07.2017
The Bulgarian Who Kicked a Woman in Berlin Subway Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison

The Bulgarian who kicked a woman down a flight of stairs at an underground station in Berlin in October 2016, was sentenced to 35 months of imprisonment by a German court, DPA reported on 6 July.

The incident was recorded from Hermannstrasse CCTV cameras. The attacker was identified and soon arrested. The incident caused a storm of outrage in Germany.

The 28-year-old Svetoslav Stoykov told the court that he was under the influence of alcohol and drugs during the crime and apologized to the woman, a 26-year-old Ukrainian, who was walking down the stairs in the undergroud. After kicking her in the back, she fell on the platform, breaking her arm and suffering a head injury.

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