България днес – 17 декември 2013

България днес – 17 декември 2013
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Email: bgdnes@bnt.bg

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„България днес” е следобеден информационен блок, който се излъчва всеки делничен ден от 16:00 до 17:30 часа едновременно по БНТ 2 и БНТ Свят. Предаването отвори нов прозорец в телевизионния ефир, който включва много информация за случващото се в различните краища на страната, преки включвания от мястото на събитието и актуални репортажи.

В „България днес” репортерите и водещите от регионалните центрове на БНТ и София съдействат на зрителите да видят България от дома си, независимо дали живеят в родината или по света. Предаването се фокусира върху реалните теми и занимания на хората от селото и града, върху личните им истории и интересни разсъждения и търси отговор на въпросите как живеят те, какво ги вълнува и с какви проблеми се сблъскват.

Екипът на „България днес” има за цел не само да информира, но и да настоява за развитие на темите от деня и за тяхното разрешаване. Веднъж седмично, в рамките на блока, две отделни рубрики акцентират върху проблемите в здравеопазването по места, както и върху новостите в областта на образованието.

Всеки ден домакин на „България днес” е един от четирите регионални центрове в Благоевград, Варна, Русе или Пловдив.

‘Bulgaria Today’ is an afternoon information programme simultaneously broadcast on BNT 2 and BNT World channels, every weekday from 16.00 to 17.30.

Watch it online here!

This programme has opened a new window on the TV to include extensive regional news with a lot of information about what is happening in different parts of the country and live broadcasts from the scene and current reports.

In ‘Bulgaria Today’ interviewers and hosts from the regional centers of BNT and Sofia city help viewers to see Bulgaria from their home, no matter if they live in their native country or anywhere in the world. The program focuses on the real issues and activities of people from villages and cities, on their personal stories and interesting thoughts, and seeks to find out how they live, what they are interested in and what problems they solve.

The team aims not only to inform, but to insist on developing the topics of the day and on their resolving. Once a week the programme includes a section dedicated to issues in the area of healthcare in the regions. Part of the Friday edition accommodates the topic on innovations in the area of education. Every day ‘Bulgaria Today’ is hosted by one of the four regional centers – Plovdiv, Varna, Rousse, Blagoevgrad.

Email: bgdnes@bnt.bg

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‘Bulgaria Today’ is an afternoon information programme simultaneously broadcast on BNT 2 and BNT World channels, every weekday from 16.00 to 17.30.

Watch it online here!

This programme has opened a new window on the TV to include extensive regional news with a lot of information about what is happening in different parts of the country and live broadcasts from the scene and current reports.

In ‘Bulgaria Today’ interviewers and hosts from the regional centers of BNT and Sofia city help viewers to see Bulgaria from their home, no matter if they live in their native country or anywhere in the world. The program focuses on the real issues and activities of people from villages and cities, on their personal stories and interesting thoughts, and seeks to find out how they live, what they are interested in and what problems they solve.

The team aims not only to inform, but to insist on developing the topics of the day and on their resolving. Once a week the programme includes a section dedicated to issues in the area of healthcare in the regions. Part of the Friday edition accommodates the topic on innovations in the area of education. Every day ‘Bulgaria Today’ is hosted by one of the four regional centers – Plovdiv, Varna, Rousse, Blagoevgrad.

Email: bgdnes@bnt.bg

Visit our Facebook page!

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